Monday, August 23, 2010

Week of August 23, 2010

CD of the week: 30 Seconds to Mars "This is War"

Thus the panic of finals begins. I have my final few classes of the quarter this week and next week, which will gratefully lead into a flight home for the week and then an escapade on the beach for a few days.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

pull list for Aug 18

Very small pull list this week not much interested me except these 3 books

Batman Beyond 3 of 6
Continuing the story of Hush in the Batman beyond universe in his attempts to kill Batman villians new and old. If you are a fan of Batman i suggest picking this one up

Green Lantern Corps #51
Continuing the attack of the alpha lanterns storyline. I don't find this story line as appealing as older ones, but i find the characterization of ganthet to make it an auto pickup for GL fans

Brighest Day #8
After the reveal of what everything means with the return of the heroes and villains during blackest night last issue this issue slows it down, much to my dislike. There are a couple more reveals in the issue but it seems slow and kind of dull. Pass it.

Well thats my list for the week hopefully it helped you a little on those 3 comics

Stay Frosty,

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Boderlands review

This is a fun filled romp across a very imaginative and well fleshed out world that's sort of a mix between Mad Max and Diablo. It has a system of loot drops like Diablo but has a first person real time fighting system that has you trekking on foot and riding around in a dune buggy killing the many residents of Pandora as they try to kill you. The best part of this game has got to be the voice acting and the basic characterizations on the planet, they are some of the most imaginative takes on npc's(none player characters) that i have pretty much ever seen. Have it be the redneck owner of the buggy portals who wants you to "catch'a ride with da scotter man" or the ever increasing insanity of a certain explorer as told through her scattered recordings. The game itself is quite engrossing and i say its best played with 2-3 other buddies. Having played it both ways, single and with 2 other friends, i have to say hearing the constant chatter between us as we run, fight, die, and talk loot it turns this fun experience into something memorable.
The game isn't without flaws, the story sort of tapers off a bit in the end. Not enough to stop you from playing but enough for you to go Eh. And playing it multiplayer with unlucky people can sometimes leave you with a whole lot of one sided drops for 1 particular character in your party. Overall though I extremely enjoyed this game and would recommend it fully to anyone who asks.


Until next time
Stay Frosty,
*edit* Steam has the game on sale this weekend 66% off for the game itself and its dlc (downloadable content) packs. $10.19 for the game, $3.69 for each of the 3 dlc's, and $30.58 for a 4 pack of the game to share with 3 other friends

Monday, August 16, 2010

The End (of summer)

It's about that time of year folks, the leaves are about to fall off the trees and the kiddies are going back to school. Must say that it has been a pretty decent overall summer, with many twists, turns and a what a twist ending circa M. Night Shamalamadingdong. Thanks to those that made it great, and a big ol' DIF to those that made it bad. I just want you all to know that you touched me deeply, and now im calling the police.

Stay Frosty,

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The future

I hope to get back into the swing of my old posts and do at least a pull list of the weeks comics, and maybe a game review every couple weeks

Scott Pilgrim and the Infinite Sadness

I find the current state of the box office to be such a sad subject. With the way that firstly Kick-Ass was received months back and now Scott Pilgrim I think that something is inherently wrong with today's movie goers. For those that don't know this weekend Scott Pilgrim opened at #5 in the box office, which is quite disheartening when the reviews for the movie are so positive. It seems that the modern movie goer just wants to take the safe bet and not branch out and see movies that try things differently. It just boggles my mind because I know if they saw that different movie, like Scott Pilgrim it would completely and utterly blow their minds. Well that's just my 2 cents /end rant.

Stay Frosty,